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Art, Books, Conversation

Picture of Kameko - BBD Publishing's mascot

Author: DJ Geribo
Product Code: 978-0-9883068-2-0
Availability: In Stock
Weight: 9.10oz
Dimensions: 8.00in x 5.25in x 0.44in

Price: $16.95

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To help DJ get through the emotional roller-coaster ride that she and her husband, Jim, experienced with their little dog, she documented the entire ordeal in detail. You can read about the difficult and often slow progress Kameko made from the initial visit to their veterinarian, the anxious time spent visiting their pet in the emergency hospital, dealing with the daily plethora of medications they had to administer, and the time spent waiting, hoping, and finally realizing Kameko's ultimate return to the healthy, active little dog she had always been.

If your pet has received a diagnosis of IMHA, there is hope and DJ's wish is that this book will help you with your pet's own personal journey to recovery.


Book Details
Author DJ Geribo
Format softcover
Pages 196
Illustrated contains color photographs
ISBN 978-0-9883068-2-0
Language English
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